After-Installation Notes For Mr. Gasket's DeskTop DragStrip v.2.8.7M --------------------------------------------------------------------- You may review this information at any time by typing README while in the DRAG28 subdirectory that has been installed on your system. --------------------------------------------------------------------- TECH NOTES: --> USING A MOUSE WITH DOS, WINDOWS 3.X, and WINDOWS95 A mouse driver (a software add-on for DOS) must be loaded during DOS bootup (in the Autoexec.bat file) to use a mouse with the DeskTop DragStrip when running under DOS or Windows. The DeskTop DragStrip works with most mice and drivers, however, if you experience mouse problems, try using a genuine Microsoft mouse (they come with easy- to-use installation instructions). --> USING THE TRACTION FIELD The Traction field determines how well the tires "grab" the track. The most accurate simulations typically permit the tires to slip (haze) during the first few feet of the race. Start with high traction numbers and work down until you duplicate actual race conditions. To Start The Mr. Gasket DeskTop DragStrip For The First Time . . .