"Do you have 'W'idth & height or 'V'olume (ccs) data (W/V):" "Do you have lobe 'C'enterline or 'S'eparation data (C/S):" "Calculate DEW POINT from 'R'el humidity or 'W'et/dry bulb (R/W):" "Dry bulb temp must be greater than wet bulb temp." "Turbo too restrictive. Try larger REL TURBO SIZE." "Enter data file name (or ):" "Help on 'I'ndividual specs or 'G'eneral HELP (I/G/) " "Manual scaling too far out of range, try Autoscale." "Hardware not compatible with plot specs." "CURRENT CHANGES IN SPECS MAY BE LOST, SAVE DATA." "FILE NOT FOUND. INSERT PROPER DISK" "DISK DRIVE NOT READY" "DISK FULL" "DISK MUST NOT BE WRITE PROTECTED" "UNUSUAL SET OF SPECS, CHECK INPUT" "PRINTER NOT ON/OUT OF PAPER" " VALVE SIZES ARE VERY LARGE FOR THIS BORE SIZE." " AIR TEMP MUST BE HIGHER THAN DEW POINT TEMP." " EXH SYST CFM FLOW RATING LOOKS" " CARB/T-B CFM RATING LOOKS" "CAM OPENING & CLOSING EVENTS LOOK UNUSUAL." " OCTANE RATING LOOKS TOO " " FOR ALCOHOL." "MORE THAN 3 CHARACTERS AFTER THE '.'" "Name must begin with a letter or number." "Name already exists in ENGINE LIBRARY." "Bad character in file name = " "File name used by program" " ENTER NAME AS IT WILL APPEAR ON COMPUTER SCREENS:" "NAME MUST BE AT LEAST 6 CHARACTERS" "READ ALL WARNINGS IN THE USER'S MANUAL. " "PLOT BKGD CONFLICT WITH COLOR CODE" "ESC=RETURN, COMMENT #" "Enter new file name ( to return to menu):" "NO SUCH FILE." "CAN NOT DELETE 'CURRENT' FILE." "CAN NOT DELETE LAST FILE." " WARNING: L/D is not approx 1/4. FLOW COEF is not as accurate." " Definitions appear here as you move through menu. " " Definitions appear here as you move cursor through output. " " THERE IS INSUFFICIENT 'TEXT' MEMORY FOR HELP. " " Current computer hardware does not support graphics. " " Current computer hardware allows for higher resolution plots. " "CONFIG. menu is requesting plot specs not currently available. " "Should CONFIG. specs be changed to match current hardware." "Intake RUNNER FLOW COEFs are usually 2.3-3 for MANIFOLD TYPE=3." "Int RUNNER FLOW COEFs usually 1.5 or more for MAN. TYPE=2 or 5." "Problem with file and/or path name." "NO ROOM IN LIBRARY FOR FILE." "Enter path & Engine Name (EX: C:\ENG\MYENG) OR :" "This file is not in Version 1.1 or 2.1 format." "IF NECESSARY, REINSERT VRS 2.5 DISK FOR SAVING FILE." " Error reading Version 1.1 or 2.1. " "MORE THAN 8 CHARACTERS BEFORE THE '.'" "You will have to 'reboot' to use this printer type." "Exit this program. Turn computer OFF, then ON to reboot." "Plot printer configuration incompatible with DOS GRAPHICS." "Check PLOT PRINTER CODE, GRAPHICS DRIVE & DIR in CONFIG MENU." "[ Prepare your printer for plotting with a clean, full sheet of paper. ]" "Then press any key to print the plot titles and the plot." "Help on 'I'ndividual specs or on this 'G'eneral menu (I/G/) " " ENTER PRINTER TYPE CODE (1-20 or ): " "POSITION PAPER TO 'TOP OF FORM' OR PRESS 'FORM FEED'." " ENTER PROGRAM CODE (1-10 or ): " "OLD VRS FILES STARTING WITH # MUST BE IN THIS DIRECTORY." " EXAMPLE DATA NOT FOUND OR IN INCORRECT FORM. " "CAN NOT LOCATE CURRENT DIRECTORY." "Use just 'I'ntake specs or 'B'oth intake & exhaust specs (I/B/):" "Use just 'E'xhaust specs or 'B'oth exhaust & intake specs (E/B/):" "This calc is based on current " "Routine to save output file in this directory. Continue" " Make the current TQ/HP and VLVLFT data the BASELINE data." "IS THIS HOW YOU WANT YOUR NAME TO APPEAR" "Do you want to continue this short (5-10 minute) Tutorial " "Explanation of Command/Options Line commands" "Explanation of Dialogue Line commands" " F1>USE THESE VALUES F2>HELP F3>EXAMPLES " " SPECS WITH (C), PRESS C & FOR CALC MENU " "Other Important Notations In Menus" "You must enter SEPARATION and DURATION to use values." "You must enter CENTERLINE and DURATION to use values." " " " "