" " "Barometric pressure in ''Hg (this spec also depends on ELEVATION) p 43" "Temperature of air entering air cleaner-carb-T/B in degrees F p 44" "Moisture level of air ('C' to calc from rel hum or wet/dry bulb) p 44" "Elevation if ft above sea level (enter 'C' for notes on BARO PRES) p 45" "Average temperature of coolant leaving engine, degrees F p 45" " " " " "Manufacturer's HP rating of nitrous oxide system (0=no nitrous) p 45" "RPM where half nitrous starts to be injected (used for 2 stage) p 46" "RPM where full nitrous is injected (=RPM FOR HALF for single stage) p 46" " " "Enter 'Y' or press <F1> to accept values and calculate performance" " " "Fuel type, either gasoline or alcohol (methanol) p 46" "Fuel octane as rated at pump (average of Motor and Research method) p 47" " " " " "First RPM in calculated output p 47" "Number of RPMs in calculated output (1-10) p 47" "The difference between successive RPMs in output p 47" " " " " "RPM at which program will recommend various specs for good perf p 48" "Intake runner length (valve to plenum) for choosing a good diameter p 48" " " " " " " " " " "