" " "'C'= color menus and text, 'M'=monochrome (black & white) menus p 96" "Color code # for background in cursor, etc. (see Table 3.1) p 96" "Color code # for text in cursor, title line, etc. (Table 3.1) p 96" "Color code # for background in specs menus, etc. (see Table 3.1) p 97" "Color code # for text in specs menus, etc. (Table 3.1) p 97" "Color code # for background in dialogue line, etc. (see Table 3.1) p 97" "Color code # for text dialogue line, etc. (Table 3.1) p 97" "Color code # for background in output screen, etc. (see Table 3.1) p 97" "Color code # for text in calc output screen, etc. (Table 3.1) p 97" " " " " "'Y'=commas separate data columns for ASCII disk files, 'N'=spaces p 98" "'Y'=numbers and text (titles) in ASCII disk files, 'N'=numbers only p 98" "'Y'=output is tipped sideways so RPM, BRK TQ, etc are in columns p 98" " " "'Y'=program gives Individual HELP automatically, good for beginners p 98" " " " " "'C'= color plots/plot menu, 'M'=monochrome (black & white) plots p 98" "Color code # for background in plots/plot menu (see Table 3.1) p 99" "Color code # for text in plot/plot menu (Table 3.1) p 99" "Color code # for 1st plot line, next plot lines use next code #s p 99" "'L'=CGA 200x600 resolution, 'M'=EGA 350x600 resolution p 99" "Disk drive with DOS GRAPHICS.COM file (leave blank for default) p 99" "Directory with DOS GRAPHICS.COM file (leave blank for default) p 99" "Code # for printer type to print plots, enter 'C' for choices p 99" " " " " "'Y'=form feeds are included in printer hardcopies, 'N'=saves paper p 100" "Specifies the # of printed lines between form feeds p 101" "'C'=COM port serial prntr, 'L'=more common LPT port parallel prntr p 101" "Ex, 1 for LPT1 or COM1, 2 for LPT2 or COM2 (1 is more common) p 101" "Baud rate, parity, etc for serial printer (see Table 3.2) p 101" " " "Enter 'Y' or press to accept values and return to MAIN MENU" " " " "