"How to Build an Engine, cont." " " "If you do not know a spec:" " " " Press the key to bring up examples. For example, if you did not" " know a 351W had a 3.5'' STROKE, you could have found it in the BASE" " ENGINE examples." " " " Press the key and then the key to bring up individual HELP." " Then when you highlight STROKE, you will see a definition of STROKE" " and a page # in the manual for more explanation, a method to measure" " it, or a Table of examples." " " " Leave it 'as is'. If the engine you started with is close to your" " engine, most spec values will be close to those for your engine." " " "You can check how important a spec is by reCALCULATING PERFORMANCE" "after making a large change to the spec. If performance does not" "change significantly, this spec is not critical to your engine." " " " " " " " "