"!!! Warning on VALVE LIFT not being 1/4 VALVE DIAMETER !!!" " " "This calculation menu is requesting you to enter FLOW from a flow test," "and the VALVE LIFT which gave that FLOW. This information is used to" "calculate VALVE FLOW COEF (or valve flow efficiency). For best" "accuracy, this VALVE LIFT must be approximately 1/4 the VALVE DIAMETER" "and the FLOW in CFM must be for that lift. A range of acceptable" "lifts are printed by VALVE LIFT in the Calculation Menu." " " " The VALVE LIFT you entered is NOT 1/4 the VALVE DIAMETER, so the" " calculated FLOW COEF is NOT accurate and will not be used." " " "You will be returned to the calculation menu to either change your" "inputs or to press to not use the calculated FLOW COEF. See" "Section 2.8.4 and Example 4.4 in the Manual for more info." " " " "