"Notes on Ctrl-Load Command" " " "The ENGINE ANALYZER will now load the program on the drive and in the" "directories you have specified. If in this process you are left at" "the DOS prompt (C:>), check pages 118a & 118b and the following:" " " " - The PROGRAM COMMAND you specified is wrong. Enter C and press" " for PROGRAM COMMAND to see possible PROGRAM COMMANDS." " - You do not have the program you specified on this drive." " - You did not start the ENGINE ANALYZER with the EA.BAT (or EA-B.BAT)" " file. This is done by typing in EA or EA.BAT, then ." " - Intermittent problems can be fixed by simply restarting the ENGINE" " ANALYZER with EA or EA.BAT and trying Ctrl-Load again." " " "Note: The power curve is most accurate for the vehicle program if you" "run it past the HP peak, to an RPM showing at least a 15% drop in HP." " " " " " "