" " "First Engine Comment, created with Ctrl-C in Main Menu p 15" "Second Engine Comment, created with Ctrl-C in Main Menu p 15" "Third Engine Comment, created with Ctrl-C in Main Menu p 15" "Fourth Engine Comment, created with Ctrl-C in Main Menu p 15" " " " " "Engine RPMs as requested by 'CALC. CONDITIONS' RPM specs p 50" "Brake torque in ft lbs at the flywheel p 50" "Brake horsepower at the flywheel p 50" "Avg exhaust backpressure before the exhaust system in ''Hg p 50" "Avg int vac after carb or TB (and S/C) in ''Hg (- is boost) p 50" "Volumetric efficncy in % (based on air that remains in cyl) p 51" "Air flow in actual cubic feet per minute p 51" "Fuel flow in lb/hr delivered by carb or injectors for air p 51" "Brake specific fuel consumption lb/hr/HP p 52" "Brake specific air consumption lb/hr/HP p 52" "Friction HP from mechanical friction, accessories, etc p 53" "Avg Mach # of fresh air passing through intake valve/port p 53" "Avg piston vel in ft/min (high velocity limits RPM range) p 53" "Max piston accel in Gs (high G stresses limit RPM range) p 54" "% Vol. Eff. increased during overlap due to int & exh tuning p 54" "Calculated (not actual) intake runner velocity in feet/sec p 54" "Average increase in intake port pressure from tuning in PSI p 54" "Avg intake tuning pressure during overlap (+ helps Vol Eff) p 55" "Calculated (not actual) exhaust runner velocity in feet/sec p 55" "Avg exhaust tuning pressure during overlap (- helps Vol Eff) p 55" "Spark advance, in deg before TDC p 55" " " " " "Size & duration of overlap flow path when both valves open p 56" "Avg flow coef of valve, runner & cam profile (see Fig 2.27) p 57" "Percent (%) exh flow capacity to int flow capacity p 58" "Total lift & duration area of cam profile (see Fig 2.28) p 59" "Lobe separation (from int & exh centerlines) in cam degrees p 59" "Size & duration of valve flow opening (see Fig 2.26) p 59" " " "Lobe centerlines in crank degrees (int=ATDC, exh=BTDC) p 60" " " " " " " " " "Engine displacement in cubic centimeters (x.001 for liters) p 60" "Engine displacement in cubic inches p 61" "Compression Ratio based on swept volume at intake closing p 61" "COMPRESSION RATIO entered in BASE ENGINE SPECS p 61" "Cranking compression assuming some leakage/heat loss, PSI p 61" "Total clearance volume for CR entered, in cubic centimeters p 61" "Lowest RPM where carb signal strength will meter (draw) fuel p 61" "Estimated Idle Vacuum in ''Hg (std accesories, 29.92 Baro) p 62" " " " " "Recommendations are for good perf. at this RPM p 62" "Recommendations are for good perf. at this RPM p 62" " " " " "Recmndd length (valve to plenum) for inertia tuning, inches p 62" "Recmndd inside area(sq in) and dia(in) for this recmndd len p 62" "SPECFD INT RUN LEN from CALC PERF CONDITIONS menu, inches p 63" "Recmndd inside area(sq in) and dia(in) for SPECFD IN RUN LEN p 63" "Rec len (valve to plenum) for best resonance tuning, inches p 63" "Recmndd inside area(sq in) and dia(in) for this recmndd len p 63" "Rec len (valve to plenum) for good resonance tuning, inches p 63" "Recmndd inside area(sq in) and dia(in) for this recmndd len p 63" " " " " "Recmndd lngth (valve to cllctr) for strongest tuning, inches p 64" "Recmndd inside area(sq in) and dia(in) for 'rule of thumb' p 64" "Recmndd lngth (valve to cllctr) for strong tuning, inches p 64" "Recmndd tubing size (assume 16 gauge) for 'rule of thumb' p 64" " " " " "Recmndd intake cam dur @.050'' lift for TQ peak at this RPM p 65" "Recmndd intake cam max tappet lift for TQ peak at this RPM p 65" "Recmndd exhaust cam dur @.050'' lift for TQ peak at this RPM p 65" "Recmndd exhaust cam max tappet lift for TQ peak at this RPM p 65" "Recmndd intake cam dur @.050'' lift for HP peak at this RPM p 65" "Recmndd intake cam max tappet lift for HP peak at this RPM p 65" "Recmndd exhaust cam dur @.050'' lift for HP peak at this RPM p 65" "Recmndd exhaust cam max tappet lift for HP peak at this RPM p 65" " " " " " " " "