" PRINTER TYPE CODEs for Sending Plots to Printer" " " " 1 - HPDEFAULT (DOS 5,6) 11 - THERMAL (DOS 5,6)" " 2 - DESKJET (DOS 5,6) 12 - COLOR8 (DOS 4,5,6)" " 3 - LASERJETII (DOS 5,6) 13 - COLOR4 (DOS 4,5,6)" " 4 - LASERJET (DOS 5,6) 14 - COLOR8/B (DOS 4,5,6)" " 5 - PAINTJET (DOS 5,6) 15 - COLOR4/B (DOS 4,5,6)" " 6 - QUIETJET (DOS 5,6) 16 - COLOR1 (DOS 4,5,6)" " 7 - QUIETJETPLUS (DOS 5,6) 17 - GRAPHICSWIDE (DOS 4,5,6)" " 8 - RUGGEDWRITER (DOS 5,6) 18 - GRAPHICS (DOS 3,4,5,6)" " 9 - RUGGEDWRITERWIDE (DOS 5,6) 19 - /LCD (DOS 4,5,6)" " 10 - THINKJET (DOS 5,6) 20 - COLOR CSTM.PRO (DOS 4,5,6) " " " " - DOS versions which support printers are listed to their right." " - Type 18 works for most dot matrix printers and screen hardware." " - Type 19 is for Liquid Crystal Display, common to 'laptop' computers." " - Type 20 works for printers emulating Epson LQ-860 color printer." " - Type 14 & 15 are like 12 & 13 except prints background in color." " " " " " " " " " "