Precision Gear: PG TECH
Gearing Contact Patterns
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Ring & Pinions
PG Tech

IDEAL CONTACT Pattern is spread evenly over tooth's profile with concentration nearer toe than heel.
COMPETITION CONTACT Pattern concentrated just up from the toe covering 1/3 to 1/2 of the tooth.
HIGH CONTACT Pattern is concentrated at the crown of the drive gear tooth. Move the pinion deeper in towards the differential carrier (add pinion shim).
LOW CONTACT Pattern is concentrated in the root of the drive gear tooth. Move the pinion out away from the differential carrier (subtract pinion shim).
HEEL CONTACT Pattern is concentrated off the heel end of the drive gear tooth. Move the ring gear closer to the pinion (decrease backlash) while maintaining minimum backlash.
TOE CONTACT Pattern is concentrated off the toe end of the drive gear tooth. Move the ring gear away from the pinion (increase backlash) while maintaining minimum backlash.