"PS Bombay is not registered" "PS Bombay Version: 2.2.1" #2005-12-27 21:37:54# "Computer Name: " "Description: HOTROD" "Computer UserName: " "Description: Jeff" "Country Name: " "Description: USA" "CountryCode: " "Description: 1" "Date Seperator: " "Description: /" "Decimal Seperator: " "Description: ." "CountryCode: " "Description: 1" "Default Code Page: " "Description: 437" "Default Country Code: " "Description: 1" "Default Language Id: " "Description: 0409" "English Name of Country: " "Description: United States" "Intl. Monetary Symbol: " "Description: USD" "Language Id: " "Description: 0409" "Leading Zeros: " "Description: 1" "ListItem Seperator: " "Description: ," "Local Country: " "Description: United States" "Local Currency: " "Description: $" "Local Currency Symbol: " "Description: $" "Localized Name of Country: " "Description: United States" "Local Language English Name: " "Description: English" "Local Language Name: " "Description: English (United States)" "Local Monetary Digits: " "Description: 2" "Long Date Format: " "Description: dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy" "Long Date Format Ordering: " "Description: 0" "Metrics: " "Description: US" "Monetary Decimal Seperator: " "Description: ." "Native Ascii: " "Description: 0123456789" "Native Name of Country: " "Description: United States" "Native Name of Language: " "Description: English" "Native Currence Mode: " "Description: 0" "Positive Monetary Mode: " "Description: 0" "Short Date Format: " "Description: M/d/yyyy" "Short Date Format Ordering: " "Description: 0" "Thousand Seperator: " "Description: ," "Time Format: " "Description: h:mm:ss tt" "Time Format Specifier: " "Description: 0" "Time Seperator: " "Description: :" "ScreenWidth: " "Description: 800" "ScreenHeight: " "Description: 600" "TwipsPerPixelX: " "Description: 15" "Windows Version: 5.1" "Build Number: 2" "Service Pack: Service Pack 1" "End of Debug Info Gathering " ""